Thursday, February 21, 2019


FILTHY CAWDOR KIDNAP GOLIATH WORKERS! The Goliath are not known for their intelligence, and neither are the Cawdor, but of the disgusting bottom feeders and slow witted but industrious workers we at Daily Dirtside know which we prefer!
And so, it comes as a SHOCK to all loyal citizens that the DISGUSTING Cawdor have KIDNAPPED a Goliath worker named Gaia, who had his allegiance to Aventine Collegium, a known gang in Zone 9. of course Aventine Collegium would not let this OUTRAGE stand and mounted a daring rescue mission. Our man on the ground Tholt Gubworb watched from the sidelines. 

Our intrepid reporter
Despite their bulk and lack of subtlety, the Goliath ablely dispatched one of the inept Cawdor guards, the whole gang having to deal with only one inept Cawdor ganger. 
However their true enemy was yet to arise - a locked door, scourge of the stupid. In baffling display, each Goliath ganger started to individually try to force the door in some impromptu strength test. Even with the racket, the moronic Cawdor, failed to notice the banging on the door. Finally the door opened and the Goliath gang unleashed a hail of fire into the single Cawdor gang, and missed completely with a fusillade of fire. This finally alerted the inept guard along with the whole Church of "St Pyros"* rushed and naturally, set fire to everything, including the Goliath. 

In the Chaos that ensued, though one Cawdor and one Goliath were killed Gaia got away.

Goliath are not known to let things go
*We find it UTTERLY DESPICABLE that the Cawdor would DARE claim on of their own filthy kind as a "saint". Their disgusting visage CANNOT COMPARE to true known saints recognised throughout the Imperium. Daring to compare their kind to the likes of Saind Avitohol, Sebastian Thor, Saint Borgen Crassus and Saint Gherick the Confessor is DISGRACEFUL of these FOUL and disgusting HERETICS!

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