Monday, October 29, 2018

Zone 7 scheduled for Regeneration.

In Zone 7, structural damage and decay has been identified by diligent Administratum workers surveying the area.
Rather than let the poorest and most needy of the God Emperor's subjects, the Administratum by the hand of the Imperial Governor have elected to evacuate and resettle the area in a magnanimous display of generosity that we know the Administratum all too well for PRAISE BE HIS NAME!

The office of the Aedificatum on Farport has given a statement to the Daily Dirtside regarding Zone 7:
“The Aedificatum has identified a number of structural deficiencies within Zone 7. Within our regeneration project we plan on a complete reconstruction of Zone 7 and so become a model of good behaviour within the so called “slums” of Dirtside. Slough and unproductive behaviour has no place in our society and we will raise a tenement districts within Zone 7 suitable for productive citizens”.The Citizens of Dirtside have been carefully relocated to other cities on Farport. Particularly Pottville which is in need of skilled workers and labour forces which the current settlers of Zone 7 can provide.

Zone 7 remains completely off limits for the future and anyone trespassing into the territory will be executed without exception.

Plans for Zone 7.
Any similarity to Dheneb Capitalis is purely coincidental)

Last Stand of Zone 7 - 1 Survivor.

I want to let this seep in, because this gak is just telling of the world we live in, everyone, everyone, in Zone 7 is dead

 There were thousands and thousands of people there, they're all dead. The Warp Plague returned. Don't believe the shit that they are trying to tell you, it killed everyone, then they burned everything to the ash, it is not “regeneration”, they don't want you there to see the corpses they're dealing with. They frakked up and they're trying to cover it up. We all love blood sport here, a bit of carnage, but that is something else. It's not sports day today friends. This is a tale of Heroes that tried to stop the plague, or at least some of them, before it started. For a moment, these folks were heroes. 

Everyone knows that Truth Famaris reported the outbreak, but even we were too late to report a proper evacuation in time, the frakkin Corps and Govorner shut the Zone off first. There were some folks already out the Zone, some workers from the tenements, some gangs heading back to their house basesfor resupply, usual stuff. Everyone else? Trapped like rats. Only four groups managed to fight their way through to the Mag Lev station and toll lift: The Golden Sirens, The Protomen, the Penitent Ones and Gaelens Machinists. Each had the same idea, stop it at the source or escape, it was fight or die there. We managed to get some of the vidpict records, so we know what happened. We thought we were gonna watch some blood sports not a conspiracy. 

Each gang had fought their way through, Octavian from the Surgery, Frank the Destroyer and Lucky Clint, fighters from the Dome were with the Protomen and Licinious from Gun Town was with the Golden Sirens, (unlucky bastard he was). There was one way out, the lift at the centre of the region, with it's defensive gun and barricades already abandoned by the guards. It was crawling with the living dead. We got some information there were four entrances to the tunnel system the Poxwalkers, or whoever was directing them were using to flood into the Zone. 

The Gangs had already fought through hordes of Poxwalkers to cross the throughpass, shot their way past the Tenements that already had been infested with Poxwalkers and got to near the Toll pass. 

Each gang, wanted to sneak towards the lift, but there was no chance, the Poxwalkers could sense them. Violet the Dominator of the Golden Sirens goaded her Khimerix, they had oddly called “Cutie” forward. Cutie made short work of a number of Poxwalkers, its acidic breath highly effective against Poxwalkers, Violet blasted apart another with her bolter. 

500 metres away, the Protomen could hear Violets bolter and no doubt the Golden Sirens could hear the hissing explosion of Arnold V0.9's Plasma gun melting the first Poxwalkers he encountered. Both the Golden Sirens and the Protomen had the same idea throwing Smoke to cover their advance; less smart of the Golden Sirens, who didn't have the photo-goggles of the Protomen, couldn't see the horde of Poxwalkers spilling out of the pipe works. 

Both the Penitent Ones and the Mechanists had the same idea, avoid the Poxwalkers and let the the other two gangs deal with the hordes while they blow the tunnels. It worked, for a time. The Horde that would have gone for the Penitent Ones instead shambled towards the Protomen, Arnold again unleashed shot after shot into them but despite blowing entire sections of torsos away the foul monsters kept coming. 

Weeks ago, Saschen suffered horrific burns at the hands of the Golden Sirens, brutally setting her alight. Saschen survived thanks to Doc Hans, but it left her with a burning hatred for the Escher that flared up on sighting them from across the corridor and so unleashed her Rad Cannon at half the gang. Eva the other twin took the Rad blast square in the chest, her skin around the unjury immediately necrotising and sloughing from body, her sister, Ava grabbed her sister and clutched Eva in her arms as her skin sloughed from her bones and she died screaming. Both Luna and Babydoll contracted Rad sickness something that would play a hand in their deaths later. We think from behind her mask Sashen smiled.

Ignorant of the betrayals and revenge taking place, the Protomen continued to fight through the Poxwalkers, Hal V0.8 leading the way, blowing the torso out of a Poxwalker with his Plasma Pistol before running forward, placing the pistol to the bottom of the chin of another and blowing it's head off before it had a chance to raise it's hands.

Lucky Clint, always a favourite of ours on fight night, was due to retire from the fight game at the end of the year having amassed a small fortune in credits, some said he couldn't give it up. Clint would never let himself be outdone by any ganger, the old gunslinger blew the heads off Poxwalker after Poxwalker, a one man vaccine and euthenasia all in one. Frank, a youngster from the Dome, watched the old hand he was supposed to fight in three days and wouldn't let him be outdone, rushing forward to cut the head off a Poxwalker, “Don't get cocky kid” Clint told while reloading. Octavian, who worked with Doc Hans, rumoured to be a Magos Biologis, knew exactly how to kill Poxwalkers, placing a Lasbolt through the nose of Poxwalker and severing its spinal column with his Laspistol. Victor, actually listening to the droning voice of the Octavian going on and on about anatomy, repeated Octavians feat. The Protomen despite the majority of the horde coming at them were making good headway.

Every Gang had managed to cobble together a bomb big enough to take out the tunnels the Poxwalkers were crawling out of, collapse the whole frakking thing and crush those corrupted bastards. The Golden Sirens gave their bomb, a combination of acid vials, melta bombs and frag grenades strapped together to Saphire, who they nicknamed “New Grrl”. Vid Picts capture that Saphire set the bomb correctly, but she thought she had not cursing as she tried to set it up again.

The Penitent Ones, having so far avoided fighting, first sighted the Poxwalkers. Having seen a number of people already torn apart by the Poxwalkers, Leo's nerve finally broke and fled into the tangled ruins behind the lift way as Theophobo's screamed at him to come back, so much for the Redemptionist crusades faith in the Emperor.

Saphire or New Grrl, finally figured out she set the bomb right the first time, barely had time to shout a warning before she was vaporised by the blast. Luna, still suffering from the Rad Phage, could not escape the blast and her head was crushed by flying masonry, Ava, also struggling following her sisters gruesome death, was wounded in the blast. Luckily for the the Golden Sirens nearly all the Poxwalkers coming out the tunnel were vaporised as well.

Gaelan of the Mechanists, thought dead at the hands of the Seven Skinners, arrived to take the lead. The taciturn Van Saar simply acknowledged their leader with a nod and started to move up, now confident they can get passed the Poxwalkers who were converging on the Golden Sirens. If the Mechanists thought their horrible luck had finally changed they were sorely mistaken, as a door holding back the Poxwalkers, malfunctioned and opened, spilling the living dead into the corridor, we still do not know if the Sirens had a hand in it, but judging by the grim smile of Violet as the grainy pict picked up her tucking something into her pocket, would suggest she did.

In the other corner, the Poxwalker horde, attacked the Penitent Ones in a rolling tide. Theodore leading the Penitent Ones in the chorus of “we shall be redeemed in blood” stepped forward and scythed the first three Poxwalkers, before being barralled to the ground. Beneath the pile of infected bodies, the Theodore roared at his people to run before detonating his frag grenades as his last words aptly said “For the Emperor!” Rather than be inspired by this, Theophobos, like Leo, ran in terror, the others were not so cowardly and swore to end the plague at its source.

Unlike the Penitent ones, Lucky Clint was continuing his lucky streak adding another notch to his shotgun, stock as another Poxwalker head exploded.

Lucky Clint, clearly shows us all in the face of adversity, unlike Leo, who having panicked, ran, recovered just in time to be attacked and bitten and succumb to the plague, tears streaming from his eyes.

The Golden Sirens, finally recovered from the blast, only had a moment before a single Poxwalker managed to tear through the doorway and attack Rwby “the Castrator” (why Escher... Just why, I'm glad Rwby is dead). Rwby, clearly having stolen all the Mecahanists good fortune had her Displacer Field activate and send her through the wall and next to the Lifts defensive perimeter! The Penitent Ones continued their self inflicted martyrdom, Narcis, who was carrying their cobbled together bomb, could not set it before the Poxwalkers fell upon him. Rather than die at the hands of Poxwalkers, Narcis threw himself into the Tunnel, falling into a literal carpet of Poxwalkers, and detonated the bomb with a lit flame. Narcis died for his God-Emperor and took thousands of Poxwalkers with him, we think that is a good way to go for martyrdom, even if that idiot Leo could not.

We got to the saddest part of the story. Lucky Clint, our favourite arena fighter, the old hand, the gunslinger, the slayer of Mestophiles the desecrator, victor against the Warwhore, Slaughterer of the Potts Brothers, the chosen, the lucky ones luck finally ran out. “Lady Luck”, his trusty shotgun, took down a score of Poxwalkers, as he yelled at his charges, the Protomen to run, particularly Scarlet, who he had taken a paternal shine too. Everyone who watches fight night knew that Clint had fallen out with his daughter Rayna years ago, who had signed up with the Astra Militarum and had shipped out, he didn't want her to go, to risk her life for an machine that cared nothing for her. He could save one. Clint had elected to take the Bomb off the Protomen and as the Poxwalkers closed and stood alone in the doorway. As they fled, Clint took Lucky Lady and pointed it at the bomb “Bite this” was his last words. We love you Clint. 

Last known pict of Lucky Clint.

Rwby must've stolen Clints luck as she was first the lift, which the servitor had not sent as the automated cargo train had not arrived. Instead, Rwby manned the cannons, scything through the massive carpet of Poxwalkers, but it made little difference as they reached the barricades – there were hundreds, then she was momentarily surrounded as the Protomen, thinking it was going to attack shot her pet Pyrr Cat.

Theophilo's was surrounded by Poxwalkers like his martyr brothers before him, Theophobos, having recovered some of his meagre wits helped him along, blowing the entire crowd to peices with a Frag bolt. As the smoke cleared, Theophilos his eyes bloodied and half his ribcage missing stumbled and threw himself at Theophilos and barrelled him to the ground. The hyperventilating and panicking Theophilos breathed in the plague spores pouring from Theophobos' injuries and mouth and quickly succumbed to the plague.

Poor bloody Licinious was wrong for trusting the Golden Sirens. First chance she got Violet shoved him into the poxwalkers to stop the tide. Licinious did a good job blasting two with his bolter and burying his knife into the skull of a third, before the tide buried him, as he blasted them on full auto, all just to slow them down a bit. 

If you think the Sirens sound worse than a Tithe collector, you're right. Quickly shouted over the sound of gunfire was an agreement between the Protomen and the Sirens, working together was their only chance of anyone surviving. That lasted about 3 minutes.

The Mechanists would have been able to tell the Protomen not to trust the Sirens, they were already suffering at their hands, as was Licinious a few metres further up the corridor as he was eaten alive. 20 or 30 Poxwalkers had boxed the 4 Machinists who had formed a shield wall, every time one managed to knock one of the dead back, another stepped forward. Inch by inch they were pushed back as Van Saar weapons were fultile against diseased flesh. The Machinists cut down half the poxwalkers, but as another 10 poxwalkers fell into the hurling mass the Machinists were barrelled over all at once, Halec Gaelan, Svan Valkyr and Roen Jorgensen were crushed beneath the bodies, Saschen drew her laspistol and put two Poxwalkers down with shots in their skulls before she was dragged down as well. Minutes later the Machinists rose once more, now part of the damned. 

The Protomen finally reached the barricades and within metres of the lift Hal foolishly raised a waved hand to Rwby who was still firing into the Poxwalker horde approaching from the right of the lift. Rwby the Castrator never let a slight pass, ordered “Cutie” to blast them in an insane act of revenge. Catching everyone of the Protomen, the Van Saar must have expected something was amiss and dodged the attack with only one succumbing to the deadly poison. A firefight erupted between the surviving gangs, all the while the Poxwalkers close in. The bloodied corpse of the Pyrr cat rises again and attacks its erstwhile owner, catching her throat just as the Displacer Field hurls Rwby into the mass of Poxwalkers, her screams are immediately cut off by the Poxwalkers ripping her to peices.

Violet the Dominator, unaware of the betrayal and carnage snuck through the darkened corridors to make her dash for the lift which has just arrived. To her horror she discovers the gangs in a firefight and Hal opens fire upon her. The Protomen shoot and blow out the stomach of Ava and she climbs out a tunnel, killing her. The Khimerex, managed to tear apart a dozen Poxwalkers before sheer numbers slowly tear chunks out of it. The massive frame of the Khimerex creates a distraction and Scarlet V0.7 of the Protomen is the only person in a position to take advantage so makes a desperate sprint. Throwing aside her Plasmagun and pistol she leaps the barricade in a surprising show of agility borne out of desperation. Scarlet skids and tumbles into the lift and the door immediately begins to close, a scream of rage comes from the barricades as Violet, last surviving member of the Sirens and their leader looses a wild bolt round at Scarlet which flies wide. As the doors shut the remaining Protomen and Frank the Destroyer turn their guns on Violet, determined to have one last once of revenge on the women and gang who doomed them all.

Only Scarlet survived. Of an entire Zone of thousands upon thousands only Scarlet V0.7 survived. We do not know where she is, our vid links don't extend to the mag lev and there aren't any vid picts in Zone 9.

One thing is for sure, if the Golden Sirens as insane as they were and the Penitent Ones had not sealed two of those tunnels, there would be a good chance that the plague would have spread accross the whole slums and maybe even further into Dirt Side. All thier sacrifices saved the Slums, Dirtside maybe even all of Farport. But the Imperium will never tell you that, to them, they were all scum. But to the people of Dirtside, no matter their hatred for one another they were for a moment, heroes.
Except Rwby, fuck Rwby.

Pict footage of Scarlet's escape

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Imperium cover up Genocide in Zone 7

Tragedy has struck Dirtside. In Zone 7 the Warp Plague and horde of Poxwalkers it brings with it has returned. Not that the Imperial monsters will tell you. They would rather cover up the truth while good humans die for their ignorance and incompetence.
The first Outbreak in Zone 7
This all started months and months ago in the first outbreak. Rather than finishing the job, the rotting Imperium chose to ignore the underlying threat, as they always do, preferring to keep its citizens blind rather than opening their eyes to the threats our galaxy throws at us. The people of Zone 7 have suffered for their ignorance and vicious negligence, and we can say this with authority - the Federacy has not suffered a single Warp Plague outbreak since its inception. Why? Because the eyes of our citizens are open, the people are treated like the intelligent being they are, not slaves. We at Federacy News feel it is our duty to report what happened in Zone 7. 
The Warp Plague can spread from a single infected person
Everyone knows that a number of months ago there was a outbreak within Zone 7. This coincided, according to Imperial accounts, with a fire that engulfed the Zone and the official version would have us believe that the warp plague outbreak itself was relatively minor. This was not the case. Agents of Inquisitor Natalia Vorushko set off this major plague outbreak, murdering thousands of people. The Imperium, instead of evacuating the Zone and saving the people, elected to burn the Zone to the ground, murdering every man, woman and child fleeing the outbreak in a murderous conflagration and hiding the activity of Vorushko. Worse still, they did not bother to deal with the cause of the outbreak, dooming the people of Dirtside to yet another outbreak which again has claimed the lives of the people newly settled there. 

Inquisitor Natalia Vorushko: Genocidal Psychopath

Federacy News can exclusively name the culprits of the outbreak: Justicar Locke and Administratum Adept Makara, both Agents of Inquisitor Natalia Vorushko. Both were in Zone 7 before the first outbreak. They started the Warp Plague outbreak and, under the “authority” of Vorushko, ordered the murder of Zone 7's inhabitants. They vacated Farport after Zone 7's destruction and disappeared without a trace; that was just weeks before the second outbreak. They themselves were nearly killed by the first outbreak they started, but clearly they achieved their objective of clearing out the “malcontents” of Farport, just like they tried at Libria. 

"Justicar" Locke at Farport Spaceport
Inquisitor Vorushko is known to commit genocide on any populace that acts for the betterment of humanity rather than be slaves to her regime. She committed genocide upon Libria, murdered millions, perhaps billions more in her monstrous “crusade”. It would not surprise anyone who knew her that she would use the weapons of Chaos to further her insane ends of universal destruction, and the people of the Aleph sector would suffer for it. 

This latest outbreak of the deadly Warp Plague broke out a number of days ago. First thought to be ground quakes that can occur on the Ground Level, this was in fact the rising tide of Poxwalkers, already numbering in their thousands and, using the underground tunnel systems, were displacing the ground above. The Poxwalkers rose up in small numbers through the area, but the largest concentration was around the Zone 7 Toll Road. With no escape, recently settled and unprepared for such a large outbreak, the citizens did not stand a chance. Thousands were killed, then rose from the dead to spread the carnage. A desperate rearguard was fought by a number of heroic citizens, who attempted to destroy the outbreak at its source – the toll roads. They fought bravely, but the mad machinations of Vorushko and her villainous agents proved too great, and they were murdered before they completed their task. No one knows the fate of any of the hiding citizens. 

Adept Makara: aides Vorushko in her murderous rampage

How much longer will the people of Farport stand for this monstrous behaviour? How long until the likes of Vorushko come for the people of Zone 8? Or Zone 22? Or all the people of Plate 1? The people of Libria fought off the Imperium, as did Aleph 4 and Tallax, and Sartosa. It is possible to resist the tyranny of the Imperium and its evil. The Federacy Interplanetary Court of Human Rights has in absentia (due to their refusal to face trial) condemned the Tyrant Natalia Vorushko, Justicar Locke and Administratum Adept Makara for their genocide in Zone 7. The Federacy Commission for Health and Humanitarian Aid sends its deepest condolences to the people of Dirtside.

If the rumours are true that there is a survivor with first hand accounts, we have this message to you – the Federacy has not forgotten you, and if you come forward, we will protect you.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Zone 7 Scenario Finale: Escape the Plague!

Zone 7's Poxwalker issue, thought to have been eradicated a few months ago, has returned with vengeance. Vents and Tunnels collapse as shambling corpses fall out and attack only recently settled locals, overrunning several areas. The only escape from the territory appears to also be where the Poxwalkers are coming from – the Zone 7 Toll Crossing.
For many, fleeing to the Mag Lev and out of the Zone is the sensible option, one would simply need to hold off the Poxwalkers long enough to escape.
There is another, ever more daring plan from some, one that would leave the gang heroes all over the slums – if they could collapse the tunnels the Poxwalkers were coming from, they would all be crushed by the falling tunnel, but that would be a near suicide mission, but a suicide mission that would see them as heroes of the slums and perhaps, even Dirtside.
Lastly, there is only room for one Gang on the lift to the Mag Lev, if escape is the option, only one gang can survive.

This scenario is the Finale to Zone 7 – it's an extremely difficult scenario where most are not expected to survive. The gangs used in this game are the winners of the Zone 7 Campaign. The rest have been unable to muster the numbers to make the final assault and have fled.


The battlefield is intended to be large, either a 6 x 4 Sector Mechanicus board or a large Zone Mortalis board (around 5X5 Boards). The Mag Lev Lift is deployed in the centre of the board.

The Board requires 4 entry where the Poxwalkers will appear from. In Zone Mortalis this can be representatives by Tiles with falls or Melta blast holes. In Sector Mechancus this can be represented by suitable terrain such as a crater. If using Zone Mortalis there needs to be the Secure Vault Tile in play, this represents the lift to the Mag Lev – which will not activate until the Mag Lev arrives. If using Sector Mechanicus then a suitable terrain feature should be used. Around the Mag Lev there should be a suitable Defended position, the Aegis Defence line is ideal for this along with the QuadCannon to represent a fixed defensive gun.


Each uses their entire Crew including any hangers on. If a fighter is in recovery then they may still participate but start with a Flesh Wound Marker which cannot be removed and they have -1 to their Movement characteristic for the battle. 

Captured fighters are automatically released - no Guilders are looking to buy right now for obvious reasons and the Gangs have other things on their mind. However any captured fighter that escapes does not arrive until turn 2 and their deployment location is randomly determined by the arbitrator.


Each gang deploys at the edge of the battlefield lift up to 2” from the board edge in zones determined by the Arbitrator. If a Gang has control of the Zone 7 Toll Crossing Territory, they can instead elect to deploy within the defensive perimeter of the Mag Lev Lift

10 Poxwalkers begin on the board, all of which must be deployed within 12” of the Mag Lev Perimeter. Additionally 4 Poxwalkers are deployed within 2” of each tunnel (26 Poxwalkers in total if there are 4 players).

Infiltrate and similar skills cannot be used in this battle, everyone deploys in the same location - this is because there is a desperate attempt to flee the Zone, or stop the plague.

The Mag Lev Lift
The Mag Lev Lift will arrive at a point in the battle, this will not be for at least 5 turns. It will remain for three turns, after which point it will rise back up and it will not be possible to escape the territory.

To determine when the Mag Lev arrives roll a D6 and add the turn. If the number is 11 or more then the Mag Lev Lift has arrived. It is not possible to enter the Mag Lev lift unless the lift has arrived and lift will not leave if there are Poxwalkers in the lift.

The Mag Lev Lift can hold 7 people. Gangers will not share the lift with enemy gangers and the lift will not leave while there is more than one gang on (on account of them fighting)

The Tunnels

Each Tunnel deploys D3+1 Poxwalkers a within 2” of it every turn at the start of the End phase.

Tunnels cannot be destroyed by normal methods. Each gang start with a "Tunnel bomb" tactics card in addition to any other tactics. A character must be nominated to carry the bomb. Everyone knows who has the bombs (they're large!). A character in base contact with a Poxwalker tunnel may perform the following action

Set bomb (Double): The character sets the Tunnel bomb in the tunnel setting it to go off. This action cannot be taken if they are currently engaged or broken. After planting the bomb roll a D6:

1: Bomb failure! The fighter completely screws up setting up the bomb. They need to set the charge again.
2: Poxwalker attack! The fighter successfully sets the charge, set to go off in D6 turns. However they are set upon by D3 Poxwalkers, deployed immediately in base contact.
3: Whoops! The fighter accidentally sets off the bomb immediately! Resolve a detonation immediately.
4: Charge set! The Bomb is set to go off in D3 turns.
5: In a few moments, you'll see some serious shit!: The bomb is set and the controlling player may select the number of turns the bomb detonates in.
6: perfect Detonation!: The Fighter successfully sets the bomb off perfectly. The tunnel is immediately destroyed with no Detonation results.

Bomb Detonation: When the Bomb detonates, the explosion explodes D3+3" out from the tunnel in all directions. In Zone Mortalis, Walls will stop this blast from spreading further. Anyone within the Blast radius is hit by a Strength 6 Damage 2 hit AP-1. If a model is hit with the blast within 2" of the Tunnel the wound is considered to have the melta rule.

There will be additional Tunnel Bombs on the battlefield in Ammo crates, placed by the Arbitrator. If the model carrying a Bomb drops it, it remains in place, marked by a Melta Charge. 
A Seriously injured character in base contact with Poxwalkers may elect to activate the Bomb immediately, if done, this is resolved as a Melta Charge and cannot be set off in this manner to destroy a Tunnel.


The gangs can succeed in winning the scenario in a number of ways.

1) Escape!

The most obvious option is to escape the territory via the Mag Lev. As long as at least one model from a players gang is on the Mag Lev Lift when it leaves.

2) Destroy the Tunnels

Option two is to destroy the Tunnels. The gang who destroys the tunnels (and survives) wins. If multiple Gangs destroy the Tunnels, the last gang on the battlefield wins. If one gang escapes via the Mag Lev and one destroys the Tunnels the gang that destroyed the tunnels wins, however if there are still tunnels in play come the end of the game the gang that escapes wins.

3) Kill them all!

If a gang is still on the board at the end of the game and all the Poxwalkers are killed and Tunnels destroyed, they win regardless of the other gangs outcomes.

Special Rules

Aim for the Head! - Special Tactics ability
Each gang may use this ability 3+D3 times.

The Gangers have already fought through a horde of Poxwalkers to reach this point and know that Poxwalkers are weak against head shots. When shooting any character that is taking the “Aim” action may “Aim for the Head” as long as the weapon does not use a Template or have the Sustained fire Traits. Aiming for the head is only possible against Poxwalkers. Aiming for the Head incurs a -2 to Hit Modifier, if the attack wounds it automatically causes an “Out of Action result” on the Injury Dice, there is no need to roll.

In combat, fighters can also aim for the head as long as they're armed with a weapon for Melee, attacking in this manner confers a -1 to hit.

Defence perimeter
Around the Meg Lev lift there are perimeter defences along with a fixed emplacement gun. Any Ganger who is in base contact with the gun emplacement my shoot it.

Emplaced gun, Range Short:20", Long40" Acc Short- Long- Str 7 Dam 2 Ammo 4+ AP:-2 Rapid Fire (4), Ammo Hoppers, Knockback.

Ammo Hoppers – The Fixed gun has Ammo Hoppers and so may re-roll any Ammo check, including reloads

Fixed emplacement the Fixed gun Emplacement cannot be moved.

Catastrophic Jam: if all four Ammo Dice come up as an Ammo check then something has gone catastrophically wrong with the Fixed Gun. Roll an Ammo Test as normal, if successful, the gun has broken down from overheating and cannot be used for the rest of the battle. If the ammo check is failed then the gun explodes! Centre the large blast on the fixed gun, everyone under the blast suffers a Strength 4 AP-1 Damage 1 hit with the Knockback special rule.

We're in it for our lives

The Gangers know they are dead if they don't stop the Poxwalkers or escape, while terrifying, this has steeled their nerves. There is no need for Bottle Tests while the Tunnels are still open, the Gangers know they're dead if they run.

Ending the Battle.
This battle is a fight to the death. The battle ends when there is no more Poxwalkers, or no more Gangers on the board.


  • 1 XP – Fought in the battle
  • 1 XP - Poxwalker taken Out of Action.
  • 5XP – Escaped via Mag Lev
  • 5XP – Destroyed a Tunnel (per Tunnel)
  • 20XP – Last man standing – killed all the Poxwalkers and survived the battle.
Credits: No credits earned in this battle.

In addition, the Winner of this scenario, gets one additional perk:

Mag Lev Escape: The player may select 1 territory in the Zone 9 Campaign as part of the their starting territory as long as they include at least 1 Ganger from the old gang.

Sealed the Tunnels: The player starts Zone 9 campaign with +5 Reputation and +100 Credits as long as at least 1 ganger survived (including by fleeing) the battle and is included in the Zone 9 gang.

Killed them all: The gang are hailed as Heroes of the Slums, their reputation is heard everywhere. The player gains +10 Reputation, 1 Territory of their choice in Zone 9 and +200 Credits if at least one Ganger is brought over from the old gang to Zone 9.

Any Ganger brought from Zone 7 to Zone 9 may be upgraded to a Leader or Champion if the gangs old Leaders or Champions are not brought over (or didn't survive). They may immediately choose one skill from their Primary Skill list to add to their abilities.

if there are any rules changes due to House rules following the Zone 7 Campaign, lost skills may be replaced at no cost.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


THE WARP PLAGUE HAS RETURNED TO ZONE 7! First citizens disappeared, then Zone quakes, well we have our answer why! Of course the idiots at Daily Dirtside would never report such real news and those syphilitic imbeciles at Federacy news propaganda engine don't know their arse from their elbow, but we know what is really happening in Dirtside.
Some know them as Poxwalkers, others, the Warp afflicted, the damned, everyone knows "Plague Zombies". Naturally the bastard corporations knew something was up - they closed everything off, the natives have already scarpered, but Throne only knows how they knew about it. So it seems that the dead are rising around the only remaining way out of Zone 7 - the toll road. Naturally the Kotu bastards are redirecting traffic to alternate routes. Only a single bloody transport is going to be coming for Zone 7, and Emperor knows when. Until then we're on our own.

Anyone wanting to fight them, firstly, good luck, you're going to need it. However there are ways of dealing with them that have worked in the past. First, you must know what the afflicted look like:
Next, you must know how to deal with them.
If the Arbites or the PDF come in - or worse, the Corporations - they'll kill everyone in the Zone. Either get out while you can, or if someone can destroy where they're coming from, we can stop this before it starts. It's up to you now, Zone 7!

MISSING PERSONS: Mom and Pop Potts

Mom and Pop Pott's have been reported missing to authorities. 
In the sprawl of the Slums individuals going missing is not uncommon, however the Pott's are well known and respected, even outside the Slums, having been known to prove a civilising element upon that wretched place. The alarm was raised two days ago when they did not return from a delivery from a Zone 4 Helot worker rations run. The Soylent Corporation has has plenty of dealings with the Houses and organisations throughout Ground level and provides an excellent alternative to food produced by Cawdor scum.
Suspicions are primarily aimed at House Cawdor, seeking to have total monopoly of food supply in the Slums and the Helot population of Ground Level.
If you any information on the whereabouts of Mom and Pop Potts please contact the Daily Dirtside immediately.
Mom and Pop Potts: Missing

Earthquakes rock Zone 7

Citizens across the slums have reported seismic activity, centred around Zone 7.
The activity started yesterday morning Orville Orson found parts of his Smelting furnace damaged. Initially believed to be damage by rival gangs attacking the Proto-mens turf, the damage was unable to be caused by weapons save mole mortars, which are not easily available. Later the same day the citizens at the Bazaar were thrown to the ground by quakes. Final quake was centred around the Toll crossing leaving Zone 7 which lasted several minutes.
Today there has been no further quakes. Federacy news will continue investigating this story and report with information is available.

Zealotry leads to Madness in Zone 7

Zone 7 has once again been driven towards the abyss of madness by the Zealotry of House Cawdor.
First was a vicious unprovoked attack by the Church of St Hennin on the Proto-men. The Proto-men were caught off guard as the lunatics set fire to an entire section of the bloc. The Proto-men were then further fired upon and set alight by the pyre obsessed maniacs and they had no choice to retreat.

Even among their own kind the Church of St Hennin are notably insane. The Penitent Onces, seeking revenge for previous fights, attempted to ambush the church. This proved disastrous as the fanatics were ready and quickly counter attacked, murdering three of the Penitent Ones. We can reveal that of those murdered, were Nicephorous and Vitalien. Federacy News sends it's condolences to the families of the murdered individuals.

Once again, this highlights the utter negligence of the Adeptus Arbites, the Imperial Governor and the Imperium to curb the chaos. All over Aleph crime rates spike as the Imperium ignores the needs of it citizens to instead propagate genocide across the Galaxy, largely against Humans that refuse to bow to their tyranny. Only together can we resist it's madness.
Nicephorous - murdered

Saturday, October 20, 2018

New Trade Deals for Dirtside

The office of the Imperial Governor Bryant Percival has reported that Dirtside is to be the beneficiary of new contracts to the Imperial War Machine dedicated to CRUSHING the enemies of the God-Emperor, undoubtedly as a result of Farports new status.
Details estimate a far greater requirement of las weapon shipments particularly from the weapon shops of Homestead, run by House Van Saar under contract from the Kotu Corporation. While nominally taken from offworld, there has been great effort by House Goliath and House Orlock in securing ore mining within Pinnacle Mountains, which, until recently was thought to be bare. Nevertheless our humble capital is to be the hub once more for this renewed trade ore from offworld and the north being shipped and processed  through Dirtide industry. It is a GREAT AGE to serve the Imperium.

Also, transport delays due to heavy congestion are expected over the coming weeks.

House Cawdor in Civil War?!

The citizens of Zone 7 would certainly think so. 
Normally, because of their fanatical devotion to the God-Emperor (if following possibly heretical veneration), House Cawdor present an illusion of unity. That illusion was SHATTERED this past week by the unwashed and bedraggled mobs of the Penitent Ones and the "Church" of "St Hennin". In a SHOCKING display Hennins horde brutally ambushed the Penitent Ones. The Daily DirtSide can exclusively reveal that the Church of St Hennin were under orders of the "Thane" of House Cawdor to teach the Penitent Ones, who have only recently come to Farport to respect the rule of that cesspool despot.
However, treachery is the watch word of the cowardly Cawdor, and rumour suggest that treachery from within warned the Penitent Ones of the impending attack and not only did they escape, but they managed to setup squat within the desolate "Throughpass" and have started demanding "alms" from those citizens passing through.

How much longer must the citizens of Dirtside endure the bilious and rancid stench of House Cawdor? Some of the most foolish citizens would say they provide vital services that without them, would fail. We do not believe such foolishness, and clearly the meat slabbed warriors of House Goliath. On returning to the Run off, the Church of St Hennin got a nasty surprise in the form of warriors from House Goliath, who opened fire on them like the vermin the are. The horde of Cawdor stood no chance and were thankfully driven off.

If only more people could give the tide of House Cawdor such a warm welcome.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Zone 7 Breaks into all out war!

In a repeating pattern throughout the history of the rotting Imperium, Zone 7 has once again erupted into senseless violence.
Theophilos captured in the last senseless fighting with the Proto-men, was being transported for sale into the Van Saar Servitor processing plants when the Penitent Ones launch a desperate bid to rescue Theophilos. In a manner reminiscent of their self destructive creed, they announced their presence by setting fire to everything in the road leading to Crushers Cards and Craps. Before they knew what was happening, Proto-men's world was ablaze with further crude high explosives lobbed in their direction. Unsurprisingly in the panic, the Proto-men let go of Theophilos in preference in dealing with the fire.

Fortunately, the Proto-men did not suffer any lasting injuries from their encounter with the madmen. One has to consider what any world would look like if the redemption had their way, a pyre of ignorance and madness.

a pyre of ignorance and madness
Fortunately the forward thinking Proto-men, ever forward thinking, realised the danger of Boss Hogg and her Aquiline Shadow, having hired an Ogryn bodyguard were showing they were a force for evil in Zone 7. Boss Hogg was well know for doing the dirty work of corrupt Arbites, rumoured to have been hired by Marshall Greyling to publicly executed of several Administratum workers on Plate 1 that had demanded better working conditions. 
Marshall Greyling: Known to hire goons to murder Imperial Citizens
Obviously far better equipped than the Administatum workers, the Proto-men cut down the Ogryn with accurate plasma fire. With the Ogryn cut down, Boss Hogg, a known coward, ran along with her crew, leaving their ill gotten gains to far better folk. 

Metalheads were going to Blow up the Skinners (But then they got high)

Boss Frank has lead his Metal Heads into Zone 7, hot on the heels of his fellow Orlock "Sons of Anarchy".
According to Frank, when you enter anywhere new, you go after someone that everyone hates, or failing that, walk up to the biggest prick in the Zone and shoot them in the face - well that's what some locals told us. In this case, Frank choose the notorious "Seven Skinners" who have gutted several locals already, and are fit to live up to their name.
The Skinners were in the middle of moving supplies from Maggers Rest, sneaking through the very worst of the Sewer Network that the Metal Heads had lain claim to. The Skinners reports say had taken to rest in an abandoned section, seemingly once used in it's construction, but now horrifically dilapidated, the Skinners we unprepared, and ripe for scragging.

Using tunnels that even Skinners didn't know about, 2 of the Metal Heads snuck right inside the locked store room of the Skinners, only to realise what the crazy natives had done; stick their booty right in the middle of a spore nest!
First lungful and the gangers started seeing multicoloured walls and pink Grox's everywhere! Blasting Bolt rounds into the spores didn't help, immediately alerting the Skinners, they, despite being at home in these hellholes, didn't fare much better with bolt rounds flying kicking up spores it's impossible not to breath in the spores.

Now, we promised to have picts and vids ready for the next fights in Zone 7, but, well it could have been the decrepitude of the sewers, or that we have not beaten our Helots enough. Nevertheless, we don't have vids of the ensuing slap fight between the Metal Heads and Skinners, each hallucinating more and more as they tried to cut each other to pieces. All the Metal heads crawled into the ducts through the walls, Nashoba and Firepipe cut up the two stragglers, and crawled through the pipes into the melee around the spores. Frank and Marl finally managed to get the locked door open for dam thing to close off again, leaving Marl trapped on the other side.

The swirling melee around the spores was a sight to behold, if we have had the vids. Fortunately, we've found a recreation in our historic archives that adequately recreates the battle around the spores. It was inevitable that someone would eventually win and Badskin Bob, with his Long Las and Atsadi with his Lasgun, sniped from a safe distance. Even so, Marl and Frank had a Heavy Stubber and Boltgun, they should have been able to see off Bob and Atsadi. But, they were high, and Marl had had enough, he didn't want to relapse to his 'Spook addiction so ran off into the dark. 

Anywhere else, this would have been a blood bath, but here everyone was too hoofed on Spores to do, anything, a load of cuts, some broken bone, one idiot broke his back falling backwards over a spar (or was cut down by Nashoba, no one is sure). One thing is for sure, no one wants the Sewers anymore, save for the Skinners, and Bob is the only one smart enough not to snort the spores.

Bob: Smart enough not to snort the Spores

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Boss Hogg Arrives to Rack up the Body Count!

Good News to Bloodsport fans!
That terror of ground level, the flayer of men, the dealer of DEATH to the decrepitude of Ground Level, BOSS HOGG has arrived to Zone 7's fresh warzone to liven up the party! 
News is, she's already made a name for herself in the zone, the Penitent Ones (remember them?) being the "welcoming party" (buffet?) for the cleaver of clavicles.
After being beaten, battered and plasma'd by just about everyone, Nicephorous was trying to build his crew back up with some unclaimed territory, and it's said by those at the Bazaar that he and two of his shabby Zealots ran straight into Boss Hogg, who was out on her morning stroll.
Naturally, Nicephorous and his shabby twosome were no match for Boss Hogg who sent them running with beating and apparently a message for those in Zone 7. 
When asked, Nicephorous claimed it never happened. Well we all know the truth!
But for those who are wondering "where is the proof?!" GREAT NEWS! Truth Famaris can announce our EXCLUSIVE vid-cams have been positioned throughout Zone 7, we'll be broadcasting on vid frequency 9983.2 every Stock Check day on the latest carnage in Zone 7, along with betting available on the winners.

Hogg just wants to have fun

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Cawdor Problem? NO PROBLEM say the Proto-Men

The “Cawdor Problem” been a constant problem for the citizens of Ground Level of Dirtside. It  is sad that some of the most industrious folk must share the same Air-Recyc as these so called “faithful”. Dirtside News can exclusively report that the Cawdor Problem of Zone 7s resettlement project has been resolved by the Van Saar crew of the “Proto-men”. 
Yesterday started innocuous enough, the Proto-men, aiming to settle in the territory were returning from the Bazaar with supplies at 1 hour past Imperator Vespers. Crossing the wastes known as the “Throughpass” they were set upon by the raving maniacsof the “Penitent Ones”, who having discarded their pious duties of hunters of foul witches set upon good Emperor fearing folk. Naturally, being of cowardly nature and poor intellect the Penitents were unable to perform the simply task of opening a door. The stupidity of the squalid Cawdor allowed the Penitent Ones to fire several warning shots at the Cawdor, hoping that God-Emperor fearing folk would recognise the Van Saars Righteousness. Notoriously dim witted and sloven Cawdor however instead of realising their error, in a COWARDLY DISPLAY, slammed the bulk head door on Arnold 0.7. Horrified by this, the Proto-men ably lead by Lex 1.0 laid down a suppressing fire pattern, cutting down several Cawdor, who as is their way retreated in cowardly disarray. We understand that the Proto-Men have taken to guarding the Throughpass now against further threats from the Cawdor.

This story does not end there, and the Proto-mens actions demonstrate to all Dirtsiders how to deal with their “Cawdor Problem”. Having elected to “destroy the nest” of the Cawdor, the Van Saar transported a controlled demolitions device into the Penitent Ones hide out. In a desperate bid to stop the Van Saar rooting out the Cawdor canker, the Penitent Ones threw themselves at the Proto-Men, firing crude explosives at them, heedless that they might set off an uncontrolled demolition! Once again the discipline of the brave Van Saar shone through, cutting down the Cawdor with Plasma and Lasfire. We've been informed that two of the most vile Penitent Ones were killed in the exchange for no losses of the Protomen. Better yet, the rabble rouser Theophilos was captured by the Proto-Men. In a surprise development, it turns out that Theolphilos has an outstanding Bounty on his head, no doubt the Proto-men will be keen to collect.
Happily the Proto-Men were able to complete their controlled demolition and the area is ready for rebuilding. Our local reporter Avidius Cassius Bergami managed to get this exclusive word from respected local Medicae Honest Hans; “[I told the Cawdor to] Get out [but they demanded I treated them, threatening “do it] or I'll  Eviscerate you. I won't tell [how happy I am to have proper people like the Van Saar here] you [have no idea how bad the Cawdor smell, I never want them near me] again.”

So, from our intrepid report we can answer the “Cawdor problem” with the Lex Resolution: Strikes.  Bomb Them!  Bomb them! Keep bombing them, bomb them again and again. And don’t concern yourself of how long it takes or how much blood must be shed. Just take out those Cawdor who step out of line. Take out their Homes, and take out those families. Their place is out of sight and out of mind. And if they don't like it? They can go back to where they came from. This is Dirtside and we're dam proud of our God-Emperor fearing world.