Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Van Saar fight settle issues in honour duel

Greg and Olly fight their Van Saar to a draw as they both bottle.

Greg's Van Saar offer to help the injured Van saar leader of the Archeo-Reclaimators

Church of St Pyros attack Aventium Collegium

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Sam's Cawdor beat up Ben's Goliaths to take the "holy relic of the refuse drift".

The Golden Harpies ***JUST MISCREANTS** and have betrayed **NOTHING AT ALL CARRY ON CITIZEN**

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The Golden Harpies have shown their true colours, it is grim news we must report but the dark through of the great evil has once again returned to Dirtside [THEY ARE CITIZENS OF THE IMPERIUM AND GANG MEMBERS OPERATING IN ZONE 9].The spectre of Moon Face will not die, and once again we loyal subjects must root out evil.[THEY ARE LOYAL CITIZENS AND THERE IS NOTHING TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT].
We are a great [TOLERABLE]reporter of the news, honoured to serve the subjects of the Emperor and so we come to report this dire [THE NORMAL DAILY] news. The Golden Harpies have been found to frequent Dark [NORMAL] Shrines of the Gods of Chaos [EMPEROR OF MANKIND LIKE ANY OTHER CITIZEN SHOULD BE BY IMPERIAL LAW].
The poor thick skulled Aventine Collegium, Goliaths though slow in wit, strong in faith were first to uncover the dark secret of [WERE FIRST TO COME INTO CONFLICT WITH] the Golden Harpies [IN THIS COMPLETELY NORMAL RUN OF THE MILL NEWS REPORT ON GANG VIOLENCE].

The cowardly Chaos Scum [ESCHER] were around their hated shrine to the Dark Gods 
[AT THEIR NORMAL DWELLING] when the Goliath came upon them. Such was the fury of the dim witted brutes that their Heavy Bolter armed warrior unleashed his entire clip into the vile Escher, pumping round after round of blessed bolts into the Heretics [CITIZENS]. The one called “Rose” took 4 seconds of full auto to the face and was blown to pieces by the Goliath - though it is said that the Escher have attempted to treat what was left of her, she is thankfully dead.

The loot; the initial target of Goliath, thinking this a simple gang war raid was the loot of the admittedly rich Escher. The Harpies, had placed their loot in the centre of their “shrine” and the Goliath came upon the madness the taint of the warp had wrought [DWELLING, THE GOLIATH WERE +++AUTOSCROLLER EDITOR+++ +ERROR+ 
+ERROR+ +ERROR+, +++PLEASE PERFORM BLESSED RITE OF PERCUSSIVE MAINTENANCE+++]. Escher fighting Escher desperate to spill one another's blood for the amusement of horrors from beyond [GOLIATH IN  +ERROR++ERROR++ERROR+]. Worse was the Goliath were affected, the weakest of spirit falling prey to dark whispers [NOTHING TO SEE HERE CITIZEN].

Such was the [STIM DRIVEN] fury of the righteous Goliath that the insane and cowardly Escher traitors fled. To their credit, it is believed the Goliath burned the hated shrine to the ground and constructed a new place of commerce to further the with new funds they acquired.

A few days later, further reports have circulated that the Reclaimers also attacked the Golden Harpies, word having spread clearly of their treasonous nature [WEALTH]. The evil Escher were in the middle of constructing a dark pit of blood and despair for the amusement of their masters [FIGHTING PIT]. The Van Saar set upon the Harpies with great fury with slices of las [LAS ROUNDS DO NOT SLICE] and plasma fire cutting the air. It’s said the Harpies had the advantage though, knowing the terrain of their turf they were able to hold off the van saar until reinforcements from their cabal [UTTERLY NORMAL AND NOT UNDER SUSPICION GANG] arrived to assist them.

Worse was to come, despite the intelligence of the loyal Van Saar they, in their fury sought to rush as quickly as possible to engage the evil Escher coming too close to the shrine, and being driven insane by it’s hated aura [THE FIREFIGHT TURNED TO THE FAVOUR OF THE ESCHER]. The Escher, having been driven mad already by the shrines presence, charged in and blood was shed. [AND THEN THERE WAS CLOSE QUARTER FIGHTING]. The Van Saar, could not face the fury of the Escher and were forced back. Now the Escher have their shrine [FIGHTING PIT], and their fighting pit, blood being spilled as offerings to dark gods. [THE GOLDEN HARPIES HAVE INVESTED IN ZONE 9]

Emperor help me. I know writing and publishing this without my superiors authorisation will mean my termination, but by the throne! I remember citizens, I remember the war, I remember the mad cultists of Moon face, the Astarte traitors who slaughtered out civilians, I cannot stand idly by and watch the threat resurge. I am too old to fight now, but where once I fought with Lasgun and Bayonet in the defence against Chaos, I will now fight with pen. FARPORT WILL NEVER FALL! LIKE CADIA THE PLANET SHALL BREAK BEFORE ITS PEOPLE! FOR THE EMPEROR! [THIS CONCLUDES OUR DAILY LOCAL NEWS REPORT, RETURN TO YOUR DUTY ROTAS CITIZEN]


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Week 4 Territory and Events

What was in previous weeks just a trickle has now turned to a flood. By Mag-lev, by Auto-car, by foot, by Needleways, by Tunnels, the lowest and most desperate of Dirtside flood to Zone 9 in the hopes of scavenging their riches from the corpse of Magna Petrum.

Not only do prospectors and ne'er do wells head to Zone 9, but those seeking to make a living off those looking for riches. Small prospector settlements pop-up, but none so large as the "Magna Downs".

In Magna Downs is a shanty town of wreckage built huts and rag tents nothing, roughly 30 of this huts. Nobody save the dregs of Ground level (or the Cawdor) would consider it liveable. But Magna Downs is a frontier town within a massive city, any law save the gun does not yet exist and while Guilders are keen to invest, the new locals are equally keen to avoid the Guilders getting their hooks in Zone 9. A wild place, with hard people looking work, others for protection.

Magna Downs
Territory Table

Rolling for territory works slightly differently as Zone 9 has started booming. 
To represent the newly setup settlements in the area Selecting Territories works slightly differently than previously.
The players roll a D10 and examine the chart below, then either party my shift the result up or down the table 1 space for 20 creds, or 2 spaces for 40 creds and so on and so forth. Should the two gangs want to shift the result to different locations, the gangs bid against one another in 20 cred increments, the winner being able to move the result.

The one exception to this, at least 100 credits must be spent to unlock the Tech Bazaar as this takes considerable investment.


Territory table
2Refuse Drift
3Bone Shrines
4Corpse Farm
5Gambling Den
6Drinking Hole
7Rogue Doc
8Fighting Pit
10Tech Bazaar

Limited Territory
The territory is limited, some, when they're gone, they're gone. Everyone must inform the arbitrator immediately on any territories rolled in this round.

Special: The Tech Bazaar Fort Magna Weapons Emporium

Should the Tech Bazaar be rolled, this sets the time ticking for when the Trade Post being opened.

Fort Magna weapons Emporium is a new venture funded by local gangs, who have attracted the well travelled trader "Rex" Auber. Rex Auber is believed to have supplied munitions as far away as Carsonville, Haven and North Liberty and has now come to Zone 9 looking to setup shop. Auber, is thought to be a former Imperial Guardsmen, settled for Emperor knows what reason on Farport. This is one of several stories about him, though only thing for certain is he is an off-worlder.
Rex Auber, Merchant.
Special Event: "Honest" Hans and the Mining Consortium
Honest Hans is not best pleased with some of the gangs of Zone 9. In particular, the Church of St Pyros, having not acquired one mine working and not approached him to sell the other, has drawn the displeasure of the Doctor who has released a statement via "Truth Famaris".

"Church of St Pyros, you have taken what is mine, I expect you to contact me with fair offer".

In a twist to this proceedings, the Servility Sovereign Mining Consortium; an out of Dirtside mining group, have arrived in Zone 9 and put in a very public counter offer to Honest Hans. 

"To those in possession of the Mining Works within Zone 9, we bid thee good greetings. We of the SSMC wish to conduct business with you, for a subcontract on your rightful holdings, we will provide 5 Helot workers for said mine, of which we will claim payment of the workload of 1 and require access to the mine, all other earnings from the mine workings shall remain in your possession. We of course, are making this generous offer to conduct geological survey of the earth around Zone 9. Kind Regards, Gernandt Dregaeraz the forth"
Gernandt Dregarez

Game information
The ability to challenge for the last remaining mine workings remains in effect. Hans will still pay 250 Credits for a mine. However his opinion of the Church of St Pyros has soured and so he will only pay this gang 150 credits.
In fact, the only way to get access to Mine workings is not to seek out Hans as it is no longer on the territory table.

Any gang with a mine workings may elect to to take up the Gernandt of the SSMC up on his offer to have mine workers, your mine will instead produce 5D6x10 Credits per game for your gang.
Please note: the only way to acquire the last mine is to take Hans up on his deal and double cross him.

Information: Orks!
Orks have been spotted in Zone 9, this is not an unheard of event particularly in the slums like Zone 9 where Ork Spores from the war still persist. There have been some reports of Orks attacking settlers, though not in sufficient numbers to cause any concern.
Information: In some scenarios Orks may appear, particularly ones involving loot, if the Arbitrator is around when playing, please inform them of the scenario.


THE DESPICABLE CAWDOR ARE AT IT AGAIN!! This time one of their prominent members "Erket the Redeemed" seeks the position of the vacant Arch-Deacon!
The priest, a prominent and open member of the Redemptionist Cult, (which has been argued by some members of the Ecclesiarchy as heretical) Erket is a known orator that spreads fervour amongst the ranks of the faithful. All most laudable. BUT! The monstrous rabble rouser seeks EQUAL RIGHTS of the House Cawdor! DISTGUNSTING! What's more, Erket is an open critic of the Veritas Corporation and the Imperial Governor, his most benevolent Bryant Percival. 
Erket the Redeemed
We, the pious and righteous reporters at Daily Dirtside will keep all the loyal and righteous folk of Farport appraised of this situation as it progresses 

Cawdor Swarm Zone 9

The FILTH OF CAWDOR still plague Zone 9! The Church of "Saint" Pyros VICIOUSLY attack the hard working dock workers of Aventine Collegium once again!
Often one has to wonder HOW the Cawdor manage to survive, in the opening stages of the encounter with the Goliaths it was reported that one of the Cawdor attempted to DRINK the toxic slurry in Zone 9.
Health Warning: Don't drink this

The warriors of Aventine Collegium were apparently so perturbed by the action of the insanely stupid (even by Goliath standards) "drinking Cawdor" that this threw their aim (as bad as it is). An ineffectual fight ensues which the Aventine Collegium thought better than to die via Cawdor toxic breath and retreated.

Reports say that the Cawdor have managed to stumble across the mine workings that "Honest" Hans has been after.

Tholt Gubworb
Tholt Gubworb, our man on the ground, approached Honest Hans for a statement:
"I will have the mine workings, my offers are fair, now get out"
Hans is not mincing his words, we have to wait to seen as to whether or not the Cawdor will take Hans up on his offer.
Tholt has secured a statement from the Cawdor:
"If Hans wants the mine, he can come to us, we kneel only before the Emperor".

Surprisingly, the Cawdor did indeed take up Hans up on his offer for the third mine, proving their own hypocrisy.

Fighting the Van Saar gang the Archeo-Reclaimators, the Cawdor attempted to claim the third mine workings for themselves. In a inconclusive fight, the Cawdor were forced to retreat, as were the Van Saar as in a freak accident, a bulk head door malfunctioned, crushing one of the Van Saar. The Archeo-Reclaimators, obviously spooked, also fled, leaving the Mine Workings unclaimed.

Onslaught Ryders take up Hans' offer, bloodbath ensues

Honest Hans is determined to get his hands on the Mines in Zone 9. 
Having offered a fortune for each mine, it was inevitable that a gang would take him up on the offer, which the newly arrived gang of the Goliath "Onslaught Ryders" did this week. 

Having moved to secure the location, word had it that the Golden Harpies, the most powerful gang in Zone 9, were close to getting their hands on the mine. The Goliath went prepared with locals Spike Deadshot and Clayton, along with newly arrived Bounty Hunter Irada. Furthermore, not willing to let his investment go to waste, Hans loaned the gang a Servitor to go up against the Escher.

The gangs spotted each other within a short distance of the Mine, and while Dirk Hardpeck, the Goliath leader wanted to charge straight away, Irada managed to convince him to take a overlooking position and let the Servitor and his man Slab Bulkhead do the work with his Grenade Launcher. 

The Escher darted from cover to cover, dodging the overlooking Servitors Heavy Bolter. Spike Deadshot, moved forward to try and get a better shot with his Boltgun, only to be cut down by the Escher who then tried to cover their approach with smoke grenades. The imposing position of Slab and the Servitor allowed them to see over the smoke, and explosions rang out as frag grenades dropped down. The whole Goliath gang opened fire on the Escher, but having clearly been sold defective ammunition, were unable to wound anyone, or even hit for the most part.

The Golden Harpies, threw Smoke and Gas grenades, to try and choke out the Goliath, but despite being bunched up, they were simply too tough for the poison gas to take them out. While the Goliath were unable to injure the Escher with gunfire, they were certainly able to pin them in place as a firefight ensued from over a 20 metre distance. 
For over an hour the Escher tried to move forward, trying to cover their approach, each time being forced to take cover once more due to the oddly disciplined firing line of the Goliath. As time wore on, the Goliath finally found "the right bullets" and began to take their toll on the Escher while the Escher finally managed to get into hand to hand with the Goliath. on both sides gangers were cut down, Dirk Hardpeck taking the centre with his massive power hammer. The Escher leader, Lavender moved to finally take the Goliath out before a being blasted off her feet by a Krak grenade from Slab Bulkhead.

Most of the gangs were cut down and injured with only a handful left standing. Only Slab with his grenade launcher, the Servitor (who finally managed to reload it's Heavy Bolter after 2 hours), and the champion Klog Chest thump stood, with 3 Escher left, Daisy, Jasmine and  who thought better than to face a reloaded Heavy Bolter alone and fled.

Marigold, was captured by the Goliaths but before Irada could have a word with her, Dirk Hardpeck agreed to sell her back to the Escher.

Hans finally had one of the Mines of Zone 9, 2 more to go.


FILTHY CAWDOR KIDNAP GOLIATH WORKERS! The Goliath are not known for their intelligence, and neither are the Cawdor, but of the disgusting bottom feeders and slow witted but industrious workers we at Daily Dirtside know which we prefer!
And so, it comes as a SHOCK to all loyal citizens that the DISGUSTING Cawdor have KIDNAPPED a Goliath worker named Gaia, who had his allegiance to Aventine Collegium, a known gang in Zone 9. of course Aventine Collegium would not let this OUTRAGE stand and mounted a daring rescue mission. Our man on the ground Tholt Gubworb watched from the sidelines. 

Our intrepid reporter
Despite their bulk and lack of subtlety, the Goliath ablely dispatched one of the inept Cawdor guards, the whole gang having to deal with only one inept Cawdor ganger. 
However their true enemy was yet to arise - a locked door, scourge of the stupid. In baffling display, each Goliath ganger started to individually try to force the door in some impromptu strength test. Even with the racket, the moronic Cawdor, failed to notice the banging on the door. Finally the door opened and the Goliath gang unleashed a hail of fire into the single Cawdor gang, and missed completely with a fusillade of fire. This finally alerted the inept guard along with the whole Church of "St Pyros"* rushed and naturally, set fire to everything, including the Goliath. 

In the Chaos that ensued, though one Cawdor and one Goliath were killed Gaia got away.

Goliath are not known to let things go
*We find it UTTERLY DESPICABLE that the Cawdor would DARE claim on of their own filthy kind as a "saint". Their disgusting visage CANNOT COMPARE to true known saints recognised throughout the Imperium. Daring to compare their kind to the likes of Saind Avitohol, Sebastian Thor, Saint Borgen Crassus and Saint Gherick the Confessor is DISGRACEFUL of these FOUL and disgusting HERETICS!

War comes to Zone 9

In a shocking display of wanton violence, war has once again come to impecunious streets of Zone 9
The Golden Harpies, having by dint of their Escher heritage fallen afoul of the religious fanatics of Dirtside; the Cawdor.
The unwashed hordes of the "Church of St Pyros" sought to eliminate the prosperous Harpies due to the outrageous and disgusting accusations of Imperial propaganda mouthpiece, "Daily Dirtside". 
As a victim of history, the Escher have long since run afoul of the Imperial elite, having rightly refused to submit to the Veritas' "Breeding" programs to meet the savage and unsustainable tithes set by the uncaring Lords of Terra.

Lord Veritas still seeks revenge on all Escher
If the Cawdor were expecting the Escher of the Golden Harpies to simply roll over and die, they were sorely mistaken.

As soon as the slavering hordes of the unwashed rushed the Escher, the Harpies counter-attacked with precision strikes worthy of the Federacy military. The Church of St Pyros were cut down in short order before they had the chance to react, sending them scurrying in defeat.

Furthermore - the Cawdor, had, in their rush to escape, left their brother "Chainsaw" Bob behind, who had fallen in the firefight.

A few days later, to the Church of St Pyros' credit, they attempted a rescue. However, even the most lobotomised Servitor would be able to tell you that locking yourself in a room with an Ambot with no safeties engaged is a poor life choice, and inevitably the whole Cawdor gang were once again severely mauled and forced to run.
Safefty Protocols exist for a reason
We at Federacy News certainly do not hate the Cawdor, we pity them, they are brainwashed by a system that despises them. The Imperium exploits their misguided faith to its own ends. They are just as much a victim of the tyranny of the Imperium as the Escher; though in less of a position to fight the monstrous tyrannies than the warrior women.
Dirtside could look like this

Monday, February 18, 2019

"Honest" Hans ups his offer

Honest Hans, well known sawbones of Zone 7, seems to be very interested in the mines of Zone 9.
Earlier in the week, it was reported he was offering a 75 credit bounty on any of the three mines he was aware of. Clearly as no gang has bitten, he's upped his offer and asked ourselves at Truth Famaris to spread the word. Lets here from the Cog-head himself:

"I Hans Fischer, hereby offer 250 credits to gangs that are able to acquire mines in location codes 09034123.1 092049830.3 and 098232873.7. 250 Credit payment is per mine, I offer 750 Credits for all 3 mines. Exact coordinates on acceptance of contract. Loan offers of Servitor Alpha 4421 remain open to those who view threat from negative parties remain open".

Word is Famaris fans that Scum and fortune hunters that are flocking to Zone 9 are willing to share the bounty with those who are willing to split the share.

"Names Irada, worked over in Orrstown up north for a spell, now I'm here. You give me your share on that payday, I'll work with you"
Arbitrator notes:
The previous rules for challenging for a mine still apply from week 3 territory events, Gangs over 1300 Gang rating in size may not challenge for the mines. Those challenging for the mine must be facing a gang at least 100 credits larger than they are. Those gangs with a greater than 200 rating over the other gang may take the services of Hans Servitor for free. Finally the scenario is automatically Stand Off save that each gang can take their whole crew should they wish to.

In addition, any gang challenging for this territory may hire up to 2 Scum for the battle which rather than paying for at the start, will ask for payment after the battle, Costing 30 Credits each.
In addition, Irada, will also be available to hire in general, and for the Mine scenario, will offer her hire fee in the same manner as the two scum.

Lastly, Should the larger gang win and acquire the Mine, Han will not initially give the 250 Credits but seek to negotiate. You could be nice, or you could extort him for all he's worth, which seems to be quite a bit.

Name: Irada Vasilliev
Age: Early 30's
Hire Cost: First Time: 60 Credits, Second and future times: 20 Credits
Special Hire: Irada will Halve her hire cost if facing any group suspected of criminal activity. Currently, this is only the Golden Harpies due to their reported activity around Warp corrupted sites.
Will not work with: Currently only the Golden Harpies, due to their current criminal activities.
Appearance: approximately 165cm in height with dark hair, at times shaven on one side for the benefit of cranial implants.
Story: A gunslinger and occasional bounty hunter, Irada is said to be a drifter who goes from job to job, with the rush in Zone 9 she's sure to find work.
Personality: Irada is cool and charming, her voice having a slight rasp from smoking llo sticks. She's quick to laugh and joke and quite personable.
Irada Vasilliev220credits
Skills: Nerves of Steel, True Grit, Hip Shooting, Sprint, Gunfighter
Equipment: 2 Laspistols, Frag Grenades, Bio Booster, Filter Plugs, Improved Cortex-Cogitator, Flak Armour. Knife.
Special Rules: 
Occasional Bounty Hunter - If selling a captured fighter to the guilders, roll a D6, on a 2 or more you get the full value of the fighter. On the roll of a "1" Irada disappears with the fighter and you get nothing.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

WEEK 3 Territory and Events

The ganger that have flocked Zone 9 are not the only interested parties that have come seeking the secrets of Magna Petrum

Zone 9, contrary to popular belief is not uninhabited, it is just abandoned and forgotten by the rest of the planet. 

Territory table
1Collapsed Hab Block
2-3Rogue Doc(Hub One)
4-5Mine Workings

If you roll for Rogue Docs, 
Mine Workings or Workshop inform the Arbitrator (Michael) immediately, there is only limited number for each available and so cannot be rolled again by any gang in future games. The Arbitrator will intermediately update the blog and table. If another game has rolled Rogue Doc first and you were not aware, you must still re-roll the territory.

SPECIAL EVENT: The Return of 'Honest' Hans Fischer
Hans Fischer

Honest Hans, the Rogue Doc of Zone 7, rumoured to be a rogue Magos Biologis, has appeared in Zone 9. He claims that he was not in Zone 7 at the point of the warp plague outbreak, though some swore they saw him there during the chaos. The truth is unknown. 
Nevertheless, Hans Fischer has come to Zone 9 with his own interests in mind. Word has spread that Hans knows the location of a Mine Workings but lacks the means to acquire it and so has turned to the gangs in Zone 9 for help. 

In any game where there is one gang larger than the other by a rating of 100 or more, the gang with the lower gang rating may automatically choose the Mine Workings result from the table, there is no need to roll and overrides the normal selection of a mission. The gang wishing choose the mine workings MUST state before rolling for scenarios. In order to gain access to the map, the smaller gang is assumed to promise to hand over the Mine Workings to Hans should they acquire it (see: Terms below).
One Chance: Each gang can only go for a Mine once in this manner
Hans is suspicious of the more power gangs for fear of a double cross and so Gangs with a reputation over 1300 cannot select this scenario even if they have a lower gang rating.

If the gang with the lower gang rating selects this scenario, there are special rules that apply:

The Mission: Must be Stand Off, however the whole gangs can be used.
If the gang rating between the two gangs is more than 200 difference Hans will offer the services of a converted Servitor - He offers this free of charge on the promise of the Terms

Terms: If the smaller gang wins the scenario, they can turn over the Mine workings to Hans and he will pay 75 Credits for the Mine Workings. Remove the Mine Workings from the gang roster and add 75 creds to your stash. 
Should the larger gang win, Hans may be willing to purchase the Mine off you, though he is known to be both surly and paranoid around gangs that he thinks are "a bit too big".

Double Cross: The smaller gang, if they wish, can double cross Hans and keep the mine for themselves. This has no immediate repercussions but may do so in future.

Hans' Servitor

For Hans Servitor, use the rules for "Orlock 'Lugger' Cargo Servitor" on page 100 of the updated rule book.
The Servitor is armed with Heavy Bolter, Heavy Carapace armour and a Mono Sight.
Special Rule: Advanced Subroutines: Hans' Servitor has more advanced combat programming than others of its kind, Hans' Servitor has a WS  4+ and BS 3+.

A rather Dumb Double Cross
If you're really greedy (and/or stupid) and have the use of Hans Servitor, you can try and hack the Servitor and keep it for yourself. Note, you cannot try this if you have elected to give Hans the Mine Workings under the Terms - he's not going to stand there and watch you try to nick his Servitor! 
To try and hack the Servitor, in the post battle sequence, select a fighter, they must pass a Intelligence test with a -2 modifier. If passed the Servitor has been reprogrammed and you can keep it. If failed, the Fighter in question plus D3 other fighters selected randomly suffer lasting injuries as the Servitor goes on the rampage.
Whatever the result, there is no immediate repercussions from Hans. Though you can bet he won't be best pleased.
The Model - The Servitor can be represented by any suitable Servitor model from the GW range. I should have one on Saturday.

Rogue Doc - Hub One Hospitaller
Hub One Docs was setup in the aftermath of the Magna Petrum collapse as a triage centre by the Adeptus Sororitas Hospitaller. After the Chaos Incursion the Hospitaller prepared to leave but at the request of Frateris Curis – a small group of irregular volunteers the Hospitaller agreed to leave the triage centre. Since this time the Frateris Curis have managed to secure more training and support from the Adeptus Ministorum. This support had waned to the point of being forgotten. Now, with the moving of Magna Petrum, the Ministorum has suddenly "remembered" this tiny organisations existence.

Workshops - Piston and Pipes and Fraggin Flaks

Pistons and Pipes existed before the fall of Magna Petrum and has stood  empty and derlict save for Scav's and runaways since.
When Cawdor immigrants first settled in Zone 9, they were determined to turn every bit of waste into usable material. Piston and Pipes was responsible unsurprisingly for for creating piping within the district. The workshop is still well stocked with scrap metal and tools for the most part, only some having been cannibalised. Karolina Kaupang has laid claim to Piston and Pipes and offers ammunition and fixes for anyone willing to offer protection.

Karolina Kaupang

Fraggin Flaks produce weapons and armour, having taken setup shop in a derelict tenement and started production with the sole intention of supplying those seeking to find their fortune in Zone 9. Run by Pietr the Fragger, renowned for his obsession with explosives, he is willing to work with gangs in the area. 
Pietr the Fragger