Friday, July 13, 2018

Welcome to Dirtside!

Welcome to Dirtside Citizen, the cleaniest, most bustling (not to mention friendly) City in all the Vastrid Subsector. Enjoy your stay with us, I'm sure you will have a pleasant one.

Why not enjoy our Red Light District? The Beauties of our world our ready to make your life relaxing and enjoyable. Why not take in the docks and our hard working industrious population hard at working making your lives easier, transporting in valuable goods for the sector! The Ecclesiastical buildings and promenades are positively bristling with Pilgrims on their way to meet with Roboute Guilliman himself who is in the Aleph sector giving the great enemy what for! But far away from the war, while your time away in our many drinking establishments where you engage in healthy debate with the locals in how best to serve the Emperor!

Welcome to Dirtside! A City, on the rise!