Wednesday, October 24, 2018


THE WARP PLAGUE HAS RETURNED TO ZONE 7! First citizens disappeared, then Zone quakes, well we have our answer why! Of course the idiots at Daily Dirtside would never report such real news and those syphilitic imbeciles at Federacy news propaganda engine don't know their arse from their elbow, but we know what is really happening in Dirtside.
Some know them as Poxwalkers, others, the Warp afflicted, the damned, everyone knows "Plague Zombies". Naturally the bastard corporations knew something was up - they closed everything off, the natives have already scarpered, but Throne only knows how they knew about it. So it seems that the dead are rising around the only remaining way out of Zone 7 - the toll road. Naturally the Kotu bastards are redirecting traffic to alternate routes. Only a single bloody transport is going to be coming for Zone 7, and Emperor knows when. Until then we're on our own.

Anyone wanting to fight them, firstly, good luck, you're going to need it. However there are ways of dealing with them that have worked in the past. First, you must know what the afflicted look like:
Next, you must know how to deal with them.
If the Arbites or the PDF come in - or worse, the Corporations - they'll kill everyone in the Zone. Either get out while you can, or if someone can destroy where they're coming from, we can stop this before it starts. It's up to you now, Zone 7!

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