Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Campaign, how it works

The Campaign

There are two elements to the campaign, the Necromunda campaign and the Narrative Campaign.

The Necromunda campaign as presented in the Necromunda rule books and supplements. These will be familiar e.g. Dominion Campaigns, Law and misrule campaigns.
These short campaigns will each run for a set period of time.
The current campaign is a "Law and Misrule" Campaign. When a short campaign has completed, the gangs will reset to a new campaign. Players may carry over their gang names from one campaign to another and may carrying over some gang members with their skills and equipment from one campaign to another, purchasing them in the manner described in the Necromunda rules.

The second form of the campaign will be the overarching Narrative campaign. Gangs/Players can carry over their built up allegiances from one campaign to another. The overarching Narrative campaign will provide bonus’ to other gangs and allegiances to Corporations or other agencies may provide bonus’ to an existing campaign. The winner of each campaign will have major ramifications on future campaigns and ultimately, who claims Magna Petrum and Zone 9 for themselves.

In narrative terms, the campaigns reset due to the gangers making their fortune from digging in Magna Petrums ruins, the frequent Tithe raids into the slums make off with many gangers for destined for the Farport Astra Militarum Regiments. Lastly, many gangers, should they please their sponsors, they make off for a better life in a Corporation, the Arbites, or even the Inquisition

The current campaign is the "Law and Misrule Campaign" as detailed within the "Book of Judgement supplement and will run until the end of 2019.

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