Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Ork uprising stopped by Van Saar! Escher opportunists routed.

The Orks are an ever present problem across the Imperium which is incapable, or more likely unwilling to deal with issue.
Rex Auber, intrepid trader working to bring supplies to Zone 9, had hired the Van Saar gangers the Archeo-Reclaimers and the Protomen to defend his goods Caravan. 

Zone 9, having been abandoned by the Imperium, was desperately struggling for supplies to truly get back on it's feet, the archeo-tech rush having the poorest, most desperate, but also the most innovative and fearless flood the Zone. In this rush of need, in stepped and innovator, Jeril "Rex" Auber, has been determined for weeks to setup his trade post and start bringing supplies into the zone. Last week the Van Saar prospectors of the Archeo-Reclaimators and the Protomen secured a site for the trade post near Magna Downs, now, Auber has once again hired the two gangs to protect his caravan while it brings in supplies.

To say the least the land train of Rex Auber was heavily armed and supplied, with Storm bolters, and even a old Chimera transport at its head. 

Reports started early this morning of a massive explosion on the road into Zone 9. Rex had been trapped in his Chimera that had been immobilised by falling debris from the explosion. That most hated of species, the Orks, had gathered once again in numbers within Dirtside - the Imperium having repeatedly ignored the rising threat of unchecked spores for years in favour of their own greed. 

The Orks first skulked in the dilapidated shanty town off the side of the road. The Van Saar were unable to gain a bead on the ferals. However, reports from the Zone Pict feeds show the Golden Harpies also skulking in the ruins, giving the Orks a wide berth.

With an beastial roar, the Orks charged from the shanty town, head first into the guns of the caravan. energy and bullet slashed into the Orks, however the Van Saar have not been trained in how to deal with Orks like the Federacy Defence force, and did not know their weak points, and were unable to cut down enough the foul Xenos. If Farport ever threw off the shackles of the Imperium and joined the Federacy, all citizens as standard would be trained in how to kill an Ork with a single las-round; such training is why the Orks have not threatened Federacy for 50 years while still rampaging across the Imperium.

The Escher were happy to sit and watch the Van Saar fight the Orks who continued lay curtains of fire. The Orks, as their foul species is wont to do, haddled together while charging the expanse of ground, which was easy pickings for the Van Saar Plasma Cannon, obliterating entire groups of the beasts. But still they came.

Scarlet, the lone survivor of the Zone 7 massacre, was the first to fall, when a miscommunication between Van Saar led to her being shot with a plasma round before an Ork bludgeoned her into the ground. Two more Van Saar quickly followed suit, and the Orks tried in vain to cut their way into the Chimera. 

The Golden Harpies, opportunistically launched their attack upon the Van Saar, seeking to steal the supplies bound for Zone 9. The Van Saar made their House proud this day and refused to break despite the odds.

For an hour the battle raged, with the Orks managing to get their green claws on several crates of supplies only to be shot as they retreated. The Escher had it no better, having drawn the attention of the Orks, they started to prove a nuisance to the Escher.

It looked grim for the Van Saar, but after an hour of intense fighting there were piles of Ork dead, the gunning engine of the Chimera finally had a response, gaining traction and pushing itself clear of the debris. The orks, what was left of them retreated to skulk once more, having only taken a handful of trinklets. The Escher, not wishing to face the wrath of a fully operational Chimera retreated with their wounded and ill gotten gains.

The Van Saar had been victorious, though not without cost. Several supplies were lost, but Rex is reported to have been happy with the results. 

With the Trade Post finally up and soon to be running, many prospectors are looking to hunt down the hidden entrance to Magna Petrum. 

But how long until the Imperium swoops in and stamps its heel upon freedom and prosperity of humanity once more?

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